Direct impact

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  • Credendo continuously strives to provide its services with full due diligence and professionalism, with respect for honesty and business ethics, and compliance with any laws, rules, regulations and best practices pertaining to our sector. All Credendo entities share the same values of Customer Intimacy, Reliability and Respect.
    • Customer intimacy: Customer satisfaction is at the core of our values. We listen, we propose bespoke solutions, we are approachable, we explain our decisions and we deliver first-class service. Our people come up with smart solutions in response to specific business needs or complex risk environments. You get bespoke solutions.
    • Respect: We show respect for our customers, our staff, our shareholders and all other stakeholders as well as for society and the environment. We act forcefully against any discrimination. We treat everyone fairly and honestly. We always try to do the right thing and apply high standards of ethical behaviour. You can trust us.
    • Reliability:  We aim for best-in-class expertise of our businesses and risks. We strive for operational efficiency that underpins customer intimacy. We have a long-term view on our activities – we look through the cycle and aim for sustainable financial results. You can count on us.
  • The staff of Credendo represents its human capital and is the key-driver for its success. Credendo promotes and focuses on several well-being initiatives for its staff. The creation of a comfortable workplace environment, the development of training and learning programs, the commitment to ensure fair treatment in terms of compensation and benefits regardless of age, race, culture, gender, disability, sexual orientation, religion or political belief, the encouragement of a good work –life balance and conviviality between employees are some examples.
  • Credendo promotes equal opportunities, diversity, non-discrimination and gender equality in recruitment and employment. Credendo takes care of its employees by promoting a healthy lifestyle both at work and at home. Our health and well-being strategy encompasses raising awareness among employees of their own health status and encouraging them to adopt healthy behaviours.
  • We find our environmental responsibility equally important. We attempt to progressively reduce our environmental footprint, year after year. We also focus on reducing our consumption  of energy, paper and  fuels and our emission and waste outputs.. To support these environmental efforts, Credendo raises the employees’ awareness of environmental issues and implements a number of campaigns such as those promoting energy efficiency, soft mobility and video conferencing.
  • One of our commitments is to reduce our carbon footprint, which we have been calculating on a yearly basis since 2010. In order to achieve and report on this in a concrete manner, we collaborate with an external consultant. Over the past years, we have progressively expanded our scope of evaluation. We have also implemented a range of emission reduction measures, such as replacing our regular pool cars by hybrid cars, installing solar panels on the roof of our Brussels head office, installing a condensing chiller with minimal environmental impact, using advanced building technologies and reviewing our business processes.