Credendo is committed to supporting companies in this ever-changing world

2024 was an election year for many nations around the world. Those elections sometimes entail risks and uncertainties, but also provide their share of new opportunities. Credendo is happy to have been there to support businesses in seizing these opportunities in complex risk environments.
We did so by participating in several trade missions, such as the Belgian Economic Missions to Brazil and Norway, to meet with Belgian companies seeking to expand their business abroad. In 2024, we were also present in numerous other events, such as the seminars on doing business in Kazakhstan and in the Dominican Republic, the Credit and Political Risk Insurance event in Geneva or the TXF Global event in Athens to convey information and solutions related to trade credit insurance, with a focus on developing regions.
Credendo organised several webinars, for example on 14 November – in the week following the results – about the US election, and a first hybrid webinar on the results of the ninth Export Barometer. For our next webinar in February 2025, we will address relevant topics ranging from the rise of populism to compliance rules, starting from the themes we covered in the Global Risk Atlas. Do not miss this opportunity to prepare your business for 2025 and subscribe to receive our newsletters and invitations to our events.
Credendo also kept investing in sustainability. Two years after its launch in 2022, we updated the Credendo Green Package to include social activities on top of environmentally-friendly projects. 2024 was a year in which we had the opportunity to support a great number of promising sustainable export projects, whether in India, Taiwan or nearby.
We look forward to being by your side again in 2025!