Raising awareness about the ESG framework at Credendo

As stated in our corporate sustainability policy, at Credendo, “we conduct our business in a manner that is socially responsible and forward-looking, taking into consideration our impact on the environment, on society, on the economy, on our stakeholders and on our people. We pay attention both to the impact of our own activity (direct impact) and to the impact of the transactions we support (indirect impact), and these considerations are also reflected in our governance. We go further than the legally required obligations in order to act sustainably as a corporation”.
In order to transform this corporate sustainability plan into action, we need to have all Credendo staff and stakeholders on board. In that regard, Credendo’s Compliance and Human Resources departments joined forces and recently organised information sessions dedicated to the environmental, social and governance framework (ESG framework). We presented how these three pillars are implemented in our group’s strategy and in our daily operations.
During the environmental session, our carbon neutral label, the environmental and social due diligence process for export credit transactions and our internal and external incentives were extensively presented and discussed.
The presentation on the social aspects focused on important issues such as inclusion, gender equality and occupational health.
During the session on governance, we explained why good governance is a prerequisite for achieving the entire spectrum of ESG goals and how Credendo integrates those principles in its organisation.
Interesting points were raised and discussed after these presentations, and most importantly, employees continued the debates by sending their questions and suggestions by email. Such an active participation allows interesting topics to be developed and taken further. It enables employees to express greater involvement and social responsibility and experience the level of commitment of the group.