Trade4U seminar on the opportunities of the Brazilian market hosted by Credendo

Would you like to prepare for the Belgian economic mission to Brazil in November? Explore the opportunities of bilateral relations with Brazil? Help the country with solutions to accelerate its green transition and halt deforestation? There are numerous opportunities for Belgian companies to contribute to these objectives, in addition to addressing various other infrastructural needs and high-end commodities.
Clearly, there are a lot of reasons to keep an eye on the Brazilian market. That is why the Belgian Foreign Trade Agency (BFTA) and Credendo will hold a Trade4U seminar on 16 April 2024: Opportunities of the Brazilian market.
A number of Belgian and Brazilian key speakers will be present, including Dirk Terweduwe, Group CEO of Credendo, and Jolyn Debuysscher, Country and Sector Risk Expert at Credendo. This seminar is also an ideal moment to network and obtain more background on the mission which HRH Princess Astrid will preside in Brazil from 22 to 29 November 2024. This mission is organised in close cooperation with Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT), Wallonia Export & Investment Agency, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Belgium.
- When? On Tuesday 16 April 2024 from 2 p.m.
- Where? At Credendo’s head office: rue Montoyerstraat 3, 1000 Brussels.
- Registration: Register for this seminar by sending an e-mail to:
- Price:
- Trade4U subscribers: EUR 50;
- all other participants: EUR 150 (which includes participation in the seminar and a one-year subscription to Trade4U).
- Programme: