Speeding up the environmental transition

Credendo is seeking to support green projects with the Credendo Green Package, including in Belgium if they have export potential.
Credendo is launching the Credendo Green Package, a series of incentives aiming to support the projects and companies that have a positive impact on the environment, with a view to strengthening its commitment to sustainable transition.
A positive impact
Nabil Jijakli, Group Deputy CEO at Credendo, says, “We have adopted a set of criteria with the aim of choosing initiatives that really make a difference. Firstly, the project must contribute to one of our environmental goals, namely to combat global warming, adapt to the climate risk or protect the environment (circular economy, biodiversity, etc.).” To achieve this, Credendo takes into account the transaction itself, such as low-energy equipment, and the contribution of the whole project, such as services associated with building an offshore wind farm.
“Secondly,” he says, “the project must not have a negative impact in terms of the environment or socially, and must comply with a set of international rules of good governance. In particular, this includes taking into account all the consequences of a project on the local population.”
Financial incentives and communication
In terms of incentives, “the projects selected as part of the Credendo Green Package will, by default, have the most-favourable conditions in every respect, including cover at 98% of the total amount. We will also be able to cover domestic transactions if the product has export potential and we will mobilise a budget of €100 million to fund green transactions. Finally, we will put the spotlight on companies involved in green projects and we will ensure good communication to raise awareness of environmental issues among our clients and the business community.”
As the programme is relatively new, Credendo is in the start-up period, but, as Nabil Jijakli adds, “we will promote our Credendo Green Package extensively after the summer.”
“We really want to encourage all companies to make a commitment to the environment and to support them in the transition.”