Tradexplorer: The Belgian trade vizualisator
Would you like to access the latest statistics on Belgian trade? Is Belgium a leading actor of the EU27 trade? Who are Belgium’s most important partners around the world? Have imports of electric cars increased? How is trade with Canada evolving since the CETA entered into force?
Tradexplorer is an interactive website from the Belgian Foreign Trade Agency. It was set up in May 2023 to provide a comprehensive overview of Belgian trade. Statistics based on Eurostat data are updated monthly and covering the last ten years.
The website offers a custom view. Statistics can be sorted out in different ways: general data on Belgian export and import (amounts, ranking in the EU, Top 3 products, Top 3 partners), visualization by product (more than 17,000 references) or by country (partners), and a data table generator allows you to generate tables downloadable in multiple formats.