Global Risk Atlas 2025: from risk to opportunity
- In association with Trends and Trends-Tendances, Credendo is publishing the third edition of its Global Risk Atlas, which sees a number of experts take stock of the challenges and opportunities we can expect in 2025
- Based on five themes, the Atlas provides a forecast of the main risks facing the world and its businesses: geopolitics, the rise of populism, demographic transition, climate change and compliance rules
- Businesses will find some food for thought on the opportunities offered by a rapidly changing world: how to identify them and what to look out for, what investment opportunities exist and in which regions?
The Atlas opens with an overview of the many conflicts that have marked the past year. Wars in Ukraine and the Middle East and tensions surrounding Taiwan and the South China Sea, for example, continued into 2024, threatening global stability and trade relations. So which regions can Belgian exporters still turn to? In this context, emerging countries offer potential for Belgian exporters, although they should not lose sight of the growing competition, the possible emergence of new tariff barriers with the election of Donald Trump, and Europe’s problems in terms of competitiveness. Another finding explored in the Atlas is the rise of populism, a theme previously discussed last year, which has become even more pronounced in recent years. ‘The populist wave is like the backwash of the sea. It seems to recede, and then comes back with a vengeance,’ notes Nabil Jijakli, Deputy CEO of Credendo. The manifestos promoted by these parties include barriers to immigration and tariff and trade barriers, which are all obstacles to free trade.
Another theme addressed by the Atlas experts is the demographic transition, which is little talked about but which will have considerable consequences in the long term. While Africa continues to experience strong demographic growth, the situation is far more worrying in other regions of the world. In Europe, the falling birth rate and ageing population is a well-established phenomenon, particularly in the southern and eastern regions of the continent. Other regions are also experiencing demographic emergencies, such as Asia (Japan, South Korea, China, etc.) and Latin America (Peru, Chile, etc.). But demographic ageing has major economic consequences, warns Nabil Jijakli. ‘A drop in the working population automatically leads to a slowdown in the employment rate, economic growth and therefore tax revenues,’ adds Credendo’s Deputy CEO. At the same time, spending on pensions and healthcare is soaring.
Climate and the associated risks are once again a major theme in this year’s Atlas. Extreme temperatures are becoming more frequent and rainfall patterns are changing, leading to large-scale flooding in several parts of the world in recent years. It is becoming increasingly urgent for governments to adopt climate policies or strengthen those already in place. Technological advances, and in particular artificial intelligence, have an important role to play in this regard. A pioneering role in sectors with significant future potential offers opportunities for Belgian and European industry.
Something new this year: the Atlas is devoting an entire section to the reputational risks associated with compliance rules and sanctions. Businesses are increasingly having to comply with regulatory obligations, which include compliance with sometimes highly complex international sanctions. This is a growing risk. Any breach can damage a company’s reputation and even have a direct impact on its business. In such an environment, businesses adapt by investing in legal services and proactively looking after their reputations, which requires non-productive but essential investments.
All five topics in this year’s Global Risk Atlas are covered in a televised debate on Canal Z and Kanaal Z. These discussions are available at
Download the Global Risk Atlas 2025 in French or Dutch. The English version will be available soon.
Nabil Jijakli
Deputy CEO
rue Montoyerstraat 3
1000 Brussels
M +32 478 25 11 33
Press contact:
Griet Van Gorp
Content and Press Relation Specialist
M +32 473 33 20 50
Le défi climatique
Dans Z-Extra consacré à l’Atlas des risques mondiaux, nous abordons dans une série de 5 émissions l’ensemble des risques auxquels l’économie et notre société doivent faire face. Dans cet épisode nous analyserons la thématique du défi climatique. Dans le studio, nous recevrons Marc Van Den Neste, Administrateur chez GreenWin et Nabil Jijakli, Deputy CEO Credendo.
De klimaatuitdaging
In Z-Extra Atlas van de Mondiale risico’s bekijken we de wereldwijde bedreigingen voor onze economie en maatschappij. In deze aflevering behandelen we de klimaatuitdaging. Dat doen we samen met Hans Bruyninckx, professor en voormalig directeur van het Europees Milieuagentschap in Kopenhagen en Stefaan Van Boxstael, General Manager bij Credendo.
De economische risico’s van populisme
In Z-Extra Atlas van de Mondiale risico’s bekijken we de wereldwijde bedreigingen voor onze economie en maatschappij. Deze week behandelen we de economische risico’s van populisme. Dat doen we samen met Karel Lannoo, directeur van de Europese denktank CEPS en Jean-Paul Steenbeke Deputy General Manager Credendo.
Les risques liés à la montée des populismes
Dans Z-Extra consacré à l’Atlas des risques mondiaux, nous abordons dans une série de 5 émissions l’ensemble des risques auxquels l’économie et notre société doivent faire face. Dans cet épisode nous analyserons la thématique des risques liés à la montée des populismes. Dans le studio, nous recevrons Benjamin Biard, Docteur en sciences politiques et chercheur chez CRISP et Nabil Jijakli, Deputy CEO Credendo.
La transition démographique
Dans Z-Extra consacré à l’Atlas des risques mondiaux, nous abordons dans une série de 5 émissions l’ensemble des risques auxquels l’économie et notre société doivent faire face.
Dans cet épisode nous analyserons la thématique de la transition démographique. Dans le studio, nous recevrons Jean Hindriks, Professeur d’économie UCLouvain et fondateur d’Itinera et Nabil Jijakli, Deputy CEO Credendo. -
De demografische transitie
In Z-Extra Atlas van de Mondiale risico’s bekijken we de wereldwijde bedreigingen voor onze economie en maatschappij. In deze aflevering behandelen we de demografische transitie. Dat doen we samen met prof. Jan Van Bavel, Hoogleraar Demografie aan de KU Leuven en Kristof Luycx Head of Business Development bij Credendo.
Les risques géopolitiques
Dans Z-Extra consacré à l’Atlas des risques mondiaux, nous abordons dans une série de 5 émissions l’ensemble des risques auxquels l’économie et notre société doivent faire face. Dans cet épisode nous analyserons les risques géopolitiques. Dans le studio, nous recevrons Tanguy Struye, Professeur de relations internationales UCLouvain et Nabil Jijakli, Deputy CEO Credendo.
De geopolitieke risico’s van een instabiele wereldorde
In Z-Extra Atlas van de Mondiale risico’s bekijken we de wereldwijde bedreigingen voor onze economie en maatschappij. In deze aflevering behandelen we de geopolitieke risico’s van een instabiele wereldorde. Dat doen we samen met David Criekemans, professor Internationale Politiek aan de Universiteit Antwerpen en met James Deloz, Chief Underwriting bij exportverzekeraar Credendo.
Sanctions, compliance et réputation
Dans Z-Extra consacré à l’Atlas des risques mondiaux, nous abordons dans une série de 5 émissions l’ensemble des risques auxquels l’économie et notre société doivent faire face. Dans cet épisode nous analyserons la thématique Sanctions, compliance et réputation.
Dans le studio, nous recevrons Thierry Bouckaert, Independent Senior advisor chez Akkanto et Nabil Jijakli, Deputy CEO Credendo. -
Sancties, Regelgeving en Reputatie
In Z-Extra Atlas van de Mondiale risico’s bekijken we de wereldwijde bedreigingen voor onze economie en maatschappij. In deze aflevering behandelen we Sancties, Regelgeving en Reputatie.
Dat doen we samen met Kristien Vermoesen, Managing Partner van het Strategisch Adviesbureau Finn en Stefaan Van Boxstael, General Manager bij Credendo.