S&P Global Ratings affirms Credendo’s excellent ratings

- S&P Global Ratings affirmed the ‘AA’ rating of Credendo – Export Credit Agency with stable outlooks.
- The rating agency also affirmed the ratings of all Credendo’s subsidiaries.
- The outlook for Credendo – Guarantees & Speciality Risks is revised from stable to positive.
Affirmation of all Credendo ratings and positive outlook for Credendo – Guarantees & Speciality Risks
S&P Global Ratings affirmed the ‘AA’ long-term issuer credit rating and the ‘A-1+’ short-term issuer credit rating of Credendo – Export Credit Agency, Credendo’s parent company, with stable outlooks.
S&P Global Ratings also affirmed the ‘A’ financial strength rating of subsidiaries Credendo – Short-Term Non-EU Risks and Credendo – Short-Term EU Risks with stable outlooks.
An important change concerns the outlook for Credendo – Guarantees & Speciality Risks (A-). Thanks to the improvement of the profitability in 2023, S&P Global Ratings has revised its outlook from stable to positive and affirmed the ‘A-’ financial strength rating.
The positive outlook on Credendo – Guarantees & Speciality Risks reflects the improved results that are in line with the rest of the group. Credendo – Guarantees & Speciality Risks’ rating could become ‘A’ should the profitability remain positive in the future.
Find out more
Read S&P Global Ratings’ press release here. The comprehensive report will be published in the second half of August.
Nabil Jijakli
Deputy CEO
rue Montoyerstraat 3
1000 Brussels
E n.jijakli@credendo.com
M +32 478 25 11 33
Press contact:
Griet Van Gorp
Content and Press Relation Specialist
E g.vangorp@credendo.com
M +32 473 33 20 50