How has Credendo offset its carbon footprint in recent years?
In our continuous pursuit to protect the environment, we are committed to reducing our carbon footprint, which we have been calculating annually since 2010. We aim to achieve and report on this in a concrete manner, while progressively expanding our scope over the years. We have also implemented a range of emission reduction measures, such as replacing regular pool cars with hybrid cars, installing solar panels on the roof of our Brussels head office, installing a condensing chiller with minimal environmental impact, using advanced building technologies and reviewing our business processes.
Given that some emissions cannot be avoided, Credendo offsets part of these by supporting sustainable projects, most recently by investing in a Gold Standard certified cookstove project in Ethiopia, which supports the production, distribution and sale of efficient cookstoves and makes them accessible to local households. In addition to being better for human health and contributing to improved living conditions and local employment, these stoves are designed to use 50% less firewood and emit less smoke than traditional stoves, meaning that they help combat deforestation and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, thereby addressing climate change.