Credendo joins the digital TCPRI platform, Dialogue Exchange

We are happy to announce that Credendo will be joining the credit and political risk insurance platform ‘Dialogue Exchange’. The platform simplifies the underwriting journey for brokers and underwriters by giving them access to structured information and inquiries. Dialogue Exchange provides a central, secure and independent digital CPRI marketplace. Its primary focus is to streamline the cumbersome back-and-forth communication between brokers and underwriters when buying and selling CPRI policies.
Over the last few months, Dialogue has become one of the drivers delivering a digital enhancement for single risk credit insurance. “It is critical for us to support and work with an integrated-system solution that uses technology to enhance the underwriting process, while maintaining the specific features of the single risk market”, says Kerlijne Van Steen, Head of Single Risk at Credendo – Guarantees & Speciality Risks. As the platform is tailored to the single risk market, we expect a number of benefits, such as greater efficiency, data collation and detailed business analytics.”
In all its business lines, Credendo continues to both develop solutions internally, and identify promising and innovative, externally developed, solutions that are fit for the digital age, to improve our customers’ experience.
Press contact
Credendo – Guarantees & Speciality Risks
Carine Ramillon
Head of External Relations
M +41 (0)79 603 89 00