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Forfaiting A Belgian exporter wants to grant a credit facility to its foreign buyer to allow it to pay for the equipment goods it bought from the... Oglejte si rešitev
Financial Guarantees for bank loans Credendo – Export Credit Agency participates up to 50% in a bank loan granted to a Belgian company with international operations, by... Oglejte si rešitev
Financial Guarantees for bond issues (Private Placements) Credendo – Export Credit Agency issues a guarantee on an MLT bond issued by a Belgian company in order to improve the risk profile and make... Oglejte si rešitev
Buyer Credit Credendo Export credit of max. EUR 8 million for a foreign buyer located in a specific country, to pay for delivery of capital goods by a Belgian... Oglejte si rešitev
Guarantees Netherlands If you are looking for a surety bond or a guarantee to secure your projects or contracts, Credendo will deliver tailor made solutions to... Oglejte si rešitev
Guarantees Spain If you are looking for a surety bond or a guarantee to secure your projects or contracts, Credendo will deliver tailor made solutions to... Oglejte si rešitev
Guarantees Belgium and Luxembourg If you are looking for a surety bond or a guarantee to secure your projects or contracts, Credendo will deliver tailor made solutions to... Oglejte si rešitev
Guarantees Italy If you are looking for a surety bond or a guarantee to secure your projects or contracts, Credendo will deliver tailor made solutions to... Oglejte si rešitev