Credendo installed solar panels on its Brussels headquarters’ rooftop
In line with the new Credendo strategy 2022-2024 ‘Rise’ and the aim to further reduce Credendo’s carbon footprint, 134 solar panels were installed in the first quarter of 2022 on the roof of Credendo’s Brussels headquarters.
The new installation has a capacity of 55 kilowatt-peak (kWp) and will reduce Credendo’s carbon footprint by 13.5 tonnes of CO2 equivalent annually.
Free, available everywhere on earth and inexhaustible, the sun is a wonderful source of energy. Solar panels allow sunlight to be transformed into electricity.
Since mid-May, the installation has produced 28.36 megawatt-hour (MWh) of electricity.
We can observe on the graph above that the production of the panels varies from month to month according to the seasons and weather conditions.
Translated into environmental terms, the benefits so far are shown in the following figure:
It is important to consider that like any industrial product, a photovoltaic cell is necessarily made of various materials, whose extraction is not neutral from an environmental and social point of view. That being said, the sector is in full development and constantly improving. Whether the panels are built in Europe or abroad, it is estimated that solar panels of most manufacturers are 95 to 99% recyclable.