Rešitve Breadcrumb Domov Rešitve Izberite pravo rešitev zase Spodaj najdete pregled naših kategorij rešitev. Kliknite ustrezno kategorijo, da odkrijete ustrezen izdelek za svoje potrebe. Vrsta rešitve Zavarovanje z enim tveganjem (-) Jamstvo (-) Zavarovanje različnih tveganj Vrsta izdelka Obveznice/Garancije Zavarovanje trgovinskih kreditov Vrsta podjetja (-) Posrednik Veliko podjetje MSP (-) Banka Belgijski interes Ne Ali ustvarjate dodano vrednost za belgijsko gospodarstvo? Celovita polica Ali prodajate blago ali storitve na kredit in se soočate s tveganjem, da stranka ne bo plačala? Naša kreditna zavarovanja ponujajo rešitve... Oglejte si rešitev XOL Partners Our credit insurance policies offer solutions to protect you against non-payment of your receivables. Oglejte si rešitev Top Up The Top-Up formula enables you to cover amounts over and above the credit limits set by your credit insurer (first-line insurer). Oglejte si rešitev XOL-Excess of Loss Our credit insurance policies offer solutions to protect you against non-payment of your receivables. Oglejte si rešitev Prefinancing Do you make advance payments before a delivery of goods is made to you (=prefinancing) ? Oglejte si rešitev Guarantees Netherlands If you are looking for a surety bond or a guarantee to secure your projects or contracts, Credendo will deliver tailor made solutions to... Oglejte si rešitev Guarantees Spain If you are looking for a surety bond or a guarantee to secure your projects or contracts, Credendo will deliver tailor made solutions to... Oglejte si rešitev Guarantees Belgium and Luxembourg If you are looking for a surety bond or a guarantee to secure your projects or contracts, Credendo will deliver tailor made solutions to... Oglejte si rešitev Pagination Current page 1 Stran 2 Next page Next Last page Last
Celovita polica Ali prodajate blago ali storitve na kredit in se soočate s tveganjem, da stranka ne bo plačala? Naša kreditna zavarovanja ponujajo rešitve... Oglejte si rešitev
XOL Partners Our credit insurance policies offer solutions to protect you against non-payment of your receivables. Oglejte si rešitev
Top Up The Top-Up formula enables you to cover amounts over and above the credit limits set by your credit insurer (first-line insurer). Oglejte si rešitev
XOL-Excess of Loss Our credit insurance policies offer solutions to protect you against non-payment of your receivables. Oglejte si rešitev
Prefinancing Do you make advance payments before a delivery of goods is made to you (=prefinancing) ? Oglejte si rešitev
Guarantees Netherlands If you are looking for a surety bond or a guarantee to secure your projects or contracts, Credendo will deliver tailor made solutions to... Oglejte si rešitev
Guarantees Spain If you are looking for a surety bond or a guarantee to secure your projects or contracts, Credendo will deliver tailor made solutions to... Oglejte si rešitev
Guarantees Belgium and Luxembourg If you are looking for a surety bond or a guarantee to secure your projects or contracts, Credendo will deliver tailor made solutions to... Oglejte si rešitev