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Celovita polica Ali prodajate blago ali storitve na kredit in se soočate s tveganjem, da stranka ne bo plačala? Naša kreditna zavarovanja ponujajo rešitve... Oglejte si rešitev
Buyer Credit Insurance Export credit directly granted by a bank to a foreign buyer for the financing of the delivery of capital goods, services or contract works... Oglejte si rešitev
Contracting Equipment Insurance Insurance of the equipment that is used for carrying out contracts abroad. Losses and damages of equipment due to political risks are... Oglejte si rešitev
Import Prefinancing Insurance Import contract between a Belgian importer and a foreign supplier, in which the payment is made before delivery of the goods. Oglejte si rešitev
Single Risk (Export) Our single risk insurance will protect your business from incurring unexpected financial losses due to commercial failure or political... Oglejte si rešitev
Financial Guarantees for bank loans Credendo – Export Credit Agency participates up to 50% in a bank loan granted to a Belgian company with international operations, by... Oglejte si rešitev
Bank Guarantee Insurance Insurance against the unfair calling of guarantees issued in favour of the foreign buyer (i.e. bid bond, advance payment bond or performance... Oglejte si rešitev
XOL Partners Our credit insurance policies offer solutions to protect you against non-payment of your receivables. Oglejte si rešitev