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Participation in Insurance Syndicate Credendo – Export Credit Agency insures international trade credits, by taking part in an insurance syndicate under market conditions. Vedi soluzione
Unfunded Risk Participation Credendo – Export Credit Agency participates in international trade credits, on a bilateral basis with a bank, based on a risk- and fee... Vedi soluzione
Guarantees Ireland If you are looking for a surety bond or a guarantee to secure your projects or contracts, Credendo will deliver tailor made solutions to... Vedi soluzione
Guarantees Spain If you are looking for a surety bond or a guarantee to secure your projects or contracts, Credendo will deliver tailor made solutions to... Vedi soluzione
Guarantees Italy Se sei alla ricerca di una cauzione o polizza fideiussoria a garanzia dei tuoi progetti o Contratti, Credendo potrà fornirti soluzioni su... Vedi soluzione
Guarantees France If you are looking for a surety bond or a guarantee to secure your projects or contracts, Credendo will deliver tailor made solutions to... Vedi soluzione
Guarantees Poland If you are looking for a surety bond or a guarantee to secure your projects or contracts, Credendo will deliver tailor made solutions to... Vedi soluzione
Guarantees Germany Do you sell goods or services on credit and face the risk that a customer will not pay? Our credit insurance policies offer solutions to... Vedi soluzione